
It is important that your child attends school every day.  Good school attendance gives your child the best opportunity for success and helps develop skills for life. Your child should attend school every day unless there is an unavoidable cause such as illness. It also important that your child comes to school on time as missing lessons due to lateness can impact negatively on your child’s progress.

If your child is unable to attend school due to sickness or a family emergency, please ensure that you contact the school as early as possible on the day.   If the school has not heard from a parent/carer by 10.00am, we will contact you to confirm your child’s absence.   It is up to the school to decide whether an absence is authorised or not.   Schools and local authorities will be notified of all attendance on a weekly basis.

Good school attendance and punctuality is recognised every week with a weekly prize draw for all students who have 100% attendance.  Students also receive certificates and vouchers half termly and termly for 100% attendance and punctuality and for improved attendance.  Students with 100% attendance for the whole of the school year will be invited on special trips to celebrate their success.

What happens when attendance starts to fall below 95%?

  • Parents will receive a letter advising them that their child’s attendance has dropped below the national expected minimum

What happens if attendance drops below 90%

  • Parents will receive a letter and may be called in for a meeting to speak to a Senior teacher. The student’s school or Local Authority will be informed

  • If a Student’s attendance continues to drop after the above intervention, the referring schools will intervene with their intervention plan which could involve referral to the Educational Welfare Officer or a possible fine

ACE will inform the local authority of any student who fails to attend school regularly or has been absent without the school’s permission for a continuous period of 10 school days.

Please click here to view the Attendance Policy

Staff do extensive work to build pupils' character and prepare them for life in modern Britain